man getting an eye exam

Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Waterdown

Request An Appointment

Consistent Vision Care

Your eyes and vision are always changing and evolving. Preserving your eyesight is an ongoing goal. Our dedicated team Flamborough Family Eyecare wants to help you enjoy optimal long-term vision. 

Consistent eye exams are essential in caring for your vision. They allow your optometrist to detect any vision issues early before they potentially evolve into something more serious.

Book an appointment with us today in Waterdown and learn more about the importance of vision care consistency.

stylish man wearing glasses

Detection & Prevention

Scheduling and attending regular eye exams can assist in detecting eye issues at their earliest stage. A routine trip to our office can provide our optometrists with the opportunity to provide you with tips on caring for your vision. 

A routine check-up and updating your eyeglasses and contact lenses prescriptions can keep your vision clear. Your vision is ever-changing, so an updated prescription is essential. As you age, your vision also ages and changes, resulting in vision issues that may require further treatment. Consistent eye exams can help your eye doctor detect these changes in your vision and advise you accordingly.

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Understanding Adult & Senior Eye Exams

Putting off your eye exams can be easy, especially if you feel your eyes and vision seem healthy. Regardless of immediate vision concerns, it’s always a good idea to remain consistent with your eye exams. Some eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration can develop without you even noticing.

Adult Eye Exams

A comprehensive adult eye exam involves a series of tests and procedures to closely examine and evaluate the overall health of your eyes. Your eye doctor will determine prescriptions for contact lenses or glasses, and check for common eye diseases.

The recommended eye exam frequency for adults 18 to 60 is at least once every 2 years to maintain healthy vision. Adults who are at risk of more serious conditions will likely need more frequent eye exams.

Risk factors to consider include:

  • A family history of eye disease
  • Diabetes or high blood pressure
  • A visually demanding occupation
  • Previous eye injuries or eye surgery

The frequency of your eye exams can vary based on different contributing factors. Your eye doctor will walk you through the next steps and discuss follow-up appointments.

As you age, age-related vision issues can develop. If you’re over 60, it’s recommended that you get a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year. Your vision can change substantially as you age, and going in for an eye exam can help your eye doctor detect any potentially serious issues.

Because the risk of eye disease increases as you age, regular eye exams are crucial to maintaining your health and wellness.

Being Responsible with Your Vision

Flamborough Family Eyecare provides excellent service and vision care for the whole family. Our team values high-quality care and strives to educate our patients on the importance of consistent eye exams. 

Contact us today to request your appointment and learn about the importance of consistent eye exams.

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Our Location

Visit Us

Our office is located at the corner of Hamilton Street N and Rockhaven Lane. If you have any trouble, feel free to give us a call!

  • 170 Rockhaven Lane Unit 110
  • Waterdown, ON L0R 2H6

Regular Hours of Operation

  • Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday: 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: 8:30 AM 12:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

*We are open for all Saturdays excluding long weekends. 

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